Golf and Guns 

Tournament Aug. 19 

At Pagosa Springs Golf Club.

Shotgun Start at 9am.

Lunch will be served at the turn 
and will include a sandwich, chips and water. 
Range Balls included with entry.

All day pass will be available at registration!

$50 per player

Includes entry to Longest Drive, Closest to the
pin and Closest to the Turkey Contests. Also includes 2 mulligans and 1 Fruit by the Foot "Gimme Rope"-Use it when your putt is short or close to the pin. Cut off the distance to make the putt and you don't need an additional stroke.

All players will automatically get 1 ticket for raffles at the end of the tournament. For every stroke under par at the end of the day each player on the team will receive another ticket to raffles.