Hen Sponsor $200 - Your name on 1 silent auction item and your name displayed on our sponsor appreciation page.

Gobbler Sponsor $500 - Your name on 1 silent auction item and your name displayed on our sponsor appreciation page. Plus you will receive a special gift from our chapter.

Single Sponsor $300 - 1 NWTF membership, 1 dinner, bonus and raffle bucket tickets, 1 gun sponsor ticket.

Couple Sponsor $340 - 2 NWTF memberships, 2 dinners, bonus and raffle bucket tickets, 1 gun sponsor ticket.

Grand Slam $1000 - 8 NWTF memberships, 8 dinners, reserved seating, $150 gift card, $150 in raffle tickets, 1 gun sponsor ticket.

Royal Slam $2000 - 8 NWTF memberships, 8 dinners, reserved seating, 2 rounds of drinks, $150 gift card, $450 in raffle tickets, Gun value at $800 credit limit of your choice, 1 gun sponsor ticket.

World Slam $4000 - 8 NWTF memberships, 8 dinners, reserved seating, 3 rounds of drinks, $150 gift card, 8 hats, $1000 in raffle tickets, 1 LG soft sided cooler, custom gift from NWTF, 4x5 banner of sponsoring company, Gun value at $2000 credit limit of your choice, 1 gun sponsor ticket. 

***Gun of your choice up to your sponsorship credit at the assigned store. Anything over the allowed limit is at your own expense. You will order your gun at our FFL dealer after your table is paid for and confirmation has been made with the dealer. All sponsors will be on display on our members appreciation page and advertise on our big  screen throughout the evening. Contact 239-280-6984 for any questions. 
We thank you for all your support! 

Please make checks payable to NWTF Mailing Address :
Tina Gourley 
11264 Sparkleberry Dr
Ft Myers, FL 33913