Friday, January 10th
1:00 PM - SD State Board Meeting - open to all members to attend and observe. Learn all the NWTF is doing in South Dakota!
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM - Registration is open for the Early Birds!
5:30 PM - "Revelry at the Roost" Reception and Social - this available for people that select the Convention Registration. Light food and Early Bird special raffles!

Saturday, January 11th
7:15 AM - Registration Opens
8:00 AM to 10:00 AM - Workshops and Training for Chapter Leaders and Committee Members
10:15 AM and the remainder of the day - Fun and interesting seminars and presentations. Open to everyone.
11:15 AM - Chapter Awards Luncheon - This is a ticketed event or is included in full Convention Registration.
1:00 PM - Keynote Speaker, Kevin Robling, Secretary SD Game, Fish & Parks
2:00 PM to 4:30 PM - More fun and interesting presentations.
5:00 PM - Boss Gobbler Blowout Banquet! Lots of great Live and Silent Auction items and fun raffles with lots of prizes and guns!

Join us for a fun weekend. Meet old friends and make new friends! This is a great chance to meet NWTF members from all across South Dakota.